30 November 2008

somewhere along the way

everything has changed.

ive been home for thanksgivings , & thank the lord whoever that is that i was away from 40 degree weather. although ive been sewing most of the time. it's sad i have to choose work over fun, especially when my non-parsons friends don't really get why i put so much effort in school. it's understandable that they won't understand ever. it's quite fucked up the way it works. but it's all very rewarding.



___ said...

keep chugging along. it'll all be worth it soon. you're crazy talented and it would be a shame if you didn't put everything into your senior collection.

Sarah A. said...

i especially like this drawing!

Matthew said...

You're lucky to have been in a warmer place. I think where I'm at in Michigan is actually warmer than Chicago, even though it seems to snow more here.

I'm going to have to post or somehow show you a screen cap of my iPhone; I'm using one of your drawings as a wallpaper!

Good luck with all your stuff, hope the rewards are bountiful and lasting and such. ;)